Are you stuck staring at the gap between the person you are today and the vision you hold for your future self?

You’ve got this laundry list of ways you want to "level up" your life, but between the demands of work, bouts of procrastination, nagging self-doubt, and just the daily grind, it's a never-ending challenge to keep the momentum alive.

Right now, you’re stuck somewhere between setting goals and seeing them through.

→ Maybe you set ambitious goals every New Year’s, but by March, your enthusiasm has fizzled out, leaving you staring at your calendar, realizing it's been weeks since you've made any progress, and feeling frustrated and disappointed in yourself.

→ Perhaps you write detailed to-do lists and vision boards, but somehow, the tasks never get completed, and you're left with more unmarked checkboxes than accomplishments, each one growing reminder of the gap between your intentions and actions. 

→ You might start projects with great enthusiasm, but midway through, you lose momentum and end up with a pile of half-finished projects cluttering up your closet shelves, desktop storage, and mind. 

→ You probably start each week with a solid plan, but by mid-week, you're buried in distractions and unforeseen issues, and you're left playing catch-up, watching your carefully laid plans collapse into a chaotic scramble to stay afloat.

Deep down, you know that fulfilling your aspirations is going to require a blend of discipline and structure, along with greater self-compassion and balance, so that you can stay committed to your objectives while also having grace for yourself along the way — but how do you actually get there? 

The good news is that the self you daydream about— you know, the person who fearlessly pressed “publish” on your first podcast episode, dedicates evenings to mastering conversational Spanish, and consistently shows up for that early morning gym session— is not out of reach.

But what no one ever teaches you is that becoming the version of yourself you want to be takes more than just visualizing your dreams and repeating some positive affirmations.

Becoming the version of yourself you want to be requires an honest assessment of who you are right now, a willingness to dive into the patterns that are holding you back, and the courage to step into uncharted territory & embrace the growth that lies outside your comfort zone.

And the best part is — you don’t have to do it alone. Inside Elevate, I’ll be by your side, providing thoughtful guidance, and empowering you with the tools, support, and encouragement needed to make steady, tangible progress toward your goals and aspirations. that rather than getting lost in endless planning and overthinking your next steps when embarking on a new goal (think: finally opening up that Etsy shop, or tackling that long-overdue basement organization project), we can work together to create a clear, actionable plan that actually fits into your unique schedule and other responsibilities. that instead of wasting time debating with yourself about whether to push through a tough task or take a break when you're feeling tired, you have someone to help you discern, situation by situation, when to ease off the gas pedal to avoid burnout and when to stay disciplined and power through.

... so that instead of continuing to skip your morning workout day after day because you keep waking up feeling groggy and unmotivated, you can message me for a quick pep talk, or to brainstorm a new plan that better aligns with your natural rhythms and preferences — making it easier to stick with it. that rather than letting a minor setback like a negative comment from someone else shake your confidence, you can reach out to me for immediate support to process your experience, reaffirm your strengths, and stay focused on your growth. that instead of relying on broad, impersonal advice from the internet (*ahem*, I'm looking at you, "7 things ALL successful people do before 7 am" reel), you have an expert in your corner, weaving together a deep understanding of psychology and tailored productivity, goal-setting, and wellness practices to help you find the strategies that truly work for you (and feel more like a pleasant stroll in the park than a high-intensity boot camp).

... so that you can say goodbye to feeling unseen and unsupported, and instead have someone in your corner who sees the absolute best in you and is always ready to offer a boost of energy, motivation, and energy when you need it most.

 Feeling the call for transformation? 

 Read more about what's included inside the Elevate Mentorship below. Once you're ready to dive in, press "Fill Out an Inquiry Form" to complete a quick and easy information form. And don't worry, filling out the form does not commit you to the program— it simply allows us to start the conversation and helps me understand your unique needs and desires at this stage of your growth, ensuring the mentorship journey ahead is a great fit for both of us! You can expect to hear from me within 3-4 business days so we can further discuss your current goals and intentions. I can't wait to learn more about you!

Fill Out an Inquiry Form

The heart of this program is our connection on Voxer, a voice messaging app that allows us to stay in continual communication. From Monday through Thursday every week, we'll use Voxer to stay in touch daily — addressing any roadblocks you encounter, overcoming daily challenges, working through decisions, celebrating your breakthroughs, and maintaining your momentum toward your objectives. 

In addition, to jumpstart our work together, you'll also get access to tailored exercises and a kickoff Zoom call to establish a crystal clear understanding of your current situation and develop a comprehensive growth plan— we’re talking about building more fulfilling routines, implementing new habits, and establishing a detailed game plan for each of your most important goals— that will guide us through the rest of our time together.

Your Elevate Mentorship Includes:

➾ Voxer (voice messaging app) access Mon-Thu to address challenges, provide real-time feedback, celebrate your progress, and keep you on track with your goals. (Not familiar with Voxer? Learn more about it in the FAQs below).

➾ A kickoff one-on-one Zoom call to create a comprehensive, individualized growth plan tailored to your needs, desires, and goals.

➾ Detailed kickoff exercises to help you crystallize your vision and intentions for the next 4 months, setting a strong foundation for your growth.

➾ Ongoing accountability and check-ins as you execute your growth plan, ensuring you stay motivated and on track.

➾ Personalized feedback and recommendations, so that you always have someone in your back pocket for timely encouragement and support.

➾ MENTORSHIP BONUS: Access to State of Self, a membership platform containing 12 self-paced courses, monthly Q&As, seasonal challenges, and more, available for free for the duration of your mentorship.


$675/mo. for 4 months

* Interested in an extended payment plan option? Reach out!

Start the Conversation

“I was pleasantly surprised by how much of an impact my 12 weeks with Amanda had on my mindset, reframing efforts and thought philosophies (for current and future). You do a lovely job of meeting clients where they are at, guiding clients along vs. pushing or telling them 'how' to walk the path, and you make sure we are the ones to determine the path (which is HUGE). You are authentic and genuinely care— I can tell that this gift of yours is what you were created to do and share with others. You are well researched, use language that is accessible and approach our time together with strategy, energy and an overall desire to help in personal growth needs. I will always remember our time together as a time when I remembered that I can still dream.... still grow... still want to explore creative personal growth opportunities for myself, family and business. It helped me to see that I can still want things for myself while still having various roles/obligations. I absolutely LOVED the Voxer office hours. I found it to be a great source of connection, feedback and accountability!”

— Jenny E., Elevate Mentee

Elevate isn't for everyone. Elevate is for those who are serious about making lasting changes, willing to invest in their own growth, and eager to receive thoughtful, personalized support from a dedicated mentor by their side every step of the way.

Elevate is for you if...
  • You’re ready for a transformation, and recognize numerous areas of your life that you'd like to “revamp” or “refresh” — such as your daily routines and habits, personal relationships, time management, organization, or personal goals.
  • You have a vision of where you want to go (obsessively filling journals with daily affirmations and future self scripts, anyone?), but you need clarity on the practical, actionable steps to turn that vision into reality.
  • You're tired of the self-help gurus recommending "You Are a Badass" and "Atomic Habits," because you crave a more individualized approach that addresses your specific challenges and goals. 
  • You're driven and ambitious, with numerous different passions and goals (and an ever-growing list of new ideas and hobbies you want to try) but struggle to prioritize and take consistent action across these various interests.
  • You deeply understand the value of high-touch daily accountability and support, recognizing that having someone to check in with every day will keep you focused, motivated, and moving forward on your path to success.
  • You want to develop a balanced and sustainable approach to achieving your goals that exists in harmony with your well-being and other responsibilities, without burning out.
Elevate may not be for you if...
  • You are looking for someone to give you the answers, expecting a transformation without actively participating in your own growth.
  • You are not ready to explore deeper issues like unhelpful patterns, limiting beliefs, or negative self-talk that may be hindering your progress, and are not open to introspection and self-reflection.
  • You prefer minimal interaction and do not desire regular communication and frequent check-ins to receive feedback and adjust your strategies.
  • You are not open to feedback or resistant to trying new approaches and strategies.
  • You are looking for immediate, dramatic results without understanding the need for a long-term commitment and the gradual and iterative nature of personal development.
  • You are skeptical about the value of mentorship and do not see it as a worthwhile investment of your time and resources.
Let's Get Started!
Got Q's? I've got A's.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions: