The Positive Psychology Framework that Could Make YOU Happier
Mar 02, 2020Today, I want to introduce you to a relatively new model emerging from the positive psychology field: The Character Strengths Framework.
If you haven’t yet heard of character strengths, you’re definitely in for a feel-good treat. Like much of the other work from positive psychology, character strengths shift away from the traditional “deficit model” of psychology, whereby challenges and behaviors are interpreted through the lens of lack, deficit, or disease. Instead, character strengths (and the positive psychology movement in general) focus on the characteristics and qualities that allow for human flourishing.
So, what are character strengths?
As the VIA Inventory of Strengths website describes, “In the early 2000s, something groundbreaking occurred in the social sciences: Scientists discovered a common language of 24 character strengths make up what’s best about our personality. Everyone possesses all 24 character strengths in different degrees, so each person has a truly unique character profile. Each character strength falls under one of these six broad virtue categories, which are universal across cultures and nations.”
Specifically, the strengths include:
Zest, Grit, Self-regulation, Social intelligence, Gratitude, Love, Hope, Humor, Creativity, Curiosity, Open-mindedness, Love of learning, Wisdom, Bravery, Integrity, Kindness, Citizenship, Fairness, Leadership, Forgiveness, Modesty, Prudence, Appreciation of beauty and excellence, and Spirituality
While everyone possesses all 24, every individual has a handful of strengths called signature strengths, which make up particularly important parts of his or her personality.
Importantly, character strengths have been linked to a wide variety of outcomes related to life satisfaction, mental health, academic performance, and so on. For example, individuals who utilized at least four strengths at work reported more positive work experiences. In another study, participants who worked on strengthening their signature strengths and participants who worked on their lesser strengths experienced an increase in happiness and decrease in depression. If you’re wondering if some strengths are more closely linked to life satisfaction then others, the answer is yes. BUT, it is also true that regardless of what top strengths you have, possessing higher degrees of any strength makes you significantly more likely to enjoy higher life satisfaction!
Bringing awareness to your own unique character strengths is an incredible way to get in touch with what makes you, well, you! Furthermore, as described above, utilizing your unique set of strengths can make you happier and more satisfied. If you haven’t already taken the VIA Character Strengths assessment, I’ll link it here.